The Influence of Propaganda in the USSR During Brezhnev's Rule on Soviet Citizens' Worldviews


  • Maria Alice Reinberg International School of Estonia
  • Dr. Benjamin Heckscher



Propaganda, Politics, USSR, Brezhnev


The presented article examines the ways Soviet propaganda continues to influence ex-Soviets' perception of life 30 years after the collapse of the USSR. This article examines to what extent the opinions and values of ex-Soviets align with ones enforced by Soviet propaganda of a chosen time period: the 1970s. The extent and causations of the success of Soviet propaganda of the 1970s are explored through promotional media analysis and interview conduction.

In the article, a set of beliefs, enforced by propaganda is created through the review of propaganda media of the 1970s. These beliefs are compared with ones held by a group of ex-Soviets. The results of the performed comparison indicate that propaganda continues to influence the worldviews of ex-Soviets. Features of Soviet propaganda of the 1970s that made it effective are discussed.


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How to Cite

Reinberg, M. A., & Heckscher, B. (2022). The Influence of Propaganda in the USSR During Brezhnev’s Rule on Soviet Citizens’ Worldviews. Journal of Student Research, 11(3).



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