Dissolved Oxygen and pH Dynamics Coupled to Photosynthesis in Huntington Bay, Western Long Island Sound


  • William Siegel Portledge School
  • Robert Aller, Ph.D. Mentor, Stony Brook University




photosynthesis, hypoxia, pH, oxygenation


Abstract--- With global warming and eutrophication prompting increases in hypoxia and acidification in the oceans, it is important to understand the relationship between pH and O2 in coastal waters. In Huntington Bay (HB), an estuarine extension of western Long Island Sound, a region subject to both hypoxia and eutrophic acidification, summertime pH and O2 are elevated in surface water during the day at the height of photosynthesis.  The high pH (8.4 - 8.6) and O2 (10 - 16 mg L-1) water may be exported from HB into the adjacent Sound, mitigating conditions there. The effects of nighttime respiration, seasonal variations, and responses to episodic events such as storms remain to be determined.


Author Biography

Robert Aller, Ph.D., Mentor, Stony Brook University

Distinguished Professor, Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

References or Bibliography

Libes, Susan M. Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry. Elsevier/Academic, 2009.

Acidification & Hypoxia, https://serc.si.edu/research/research-topics/global-change/acidification-hypoxia.

Wallace, R. B. and C. J. Gobler, 2021, Mar. Poll. Bull., 172, 112908



How to Cite

Siegel, W., & Aller, R. (2021). Dissolved Oxygen and pH Dynamics Coupled to Photosynthesis in Huntington Bay, Western Long Island Sound. Journal of Student Research, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i4.2452



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