A Comparative analysis of War Propaganda

Words Stronger than Guns


  • Alex Han Chadwick International
  • Gregory Slosek Chadwick International School




Propaganda, leaflets, Korean war, World War I, Vietnam war


This paper analyzes propaganda leaflets in different wars. The importance of propaganda and its use and creation in different wars indicates its significance in terms of success. Every war has used certain different tactics and strategies in wars to win and influence the people through their war strategies and different types of leaflets. Following wars are discussed with their powerful propaganda during the war. For instance, the Korean war propaganda leaflets, German propaganda leaflets, Franco-Prussian War 1870 propaganda leaflets, Vietnam war 1954-75 propaganda, World War I Propaganda, and Spanish American War Propaganda. Propaganda has been used in these wars through different method either through leaflets, posters, music, through women, or yellow journalism etc. diverse impact of different propagandas were witnessed on the civilians and soldiers in these wars. That means that propaganda has remain an important element of war and has its strong crucial role in the winning war.


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Author Biography

Gregory Slosek, Chadwick International School


References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Han, A., & Slosek, G. (2022). A Comparative analysis of War Propaganda: Words Stronger than Guns. Journal of Student Research, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v11i1.2408



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