EarBloom: A Bio-Inspired Intersection of High-Fidelity Hearing Protection and Fashion Technology


  • Kayla Youhanaie
  • Tanya Vidhun
  • Bryan Mui
  • Yin Yu University of California Santa Barbara




Soft robotics, hearing protection, biomimicry, wearable technology, morphological computation, fashion


Noise pollution has become an increasingly prevalent issue due to audio digitization in the modern world and can cause permanent damage to the ear. However, currently available hearing protection devices distort sound attenuation and are unpopular because they lack comfort and aesthetic appeal. Soft robotics enable new possibilities for morphological hearing protection that, when integrated with fashion, offer a modern and artistic solution. In this paper, we present EarBloom as a solution to combat hearing damage. Inspired by the natural blooming of a flower, EarBloom's folding actuation and high-fidelity chambers were designed and tested in 3D modeling software and utilize electrical stimuli to protect the ear automatically. EarBloom is an innovative, soft-robotic approach to hearing protection that integrates automatic protection, uniform attenuation, and aesthetic appeal.


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How to Cite

Youhanaie, K., Vidhun, T., Mui, B., & Yu, Y. (2022). EarBloom: A Bio-Inspired Intersection of High-Fidelity Hearing Protection and Fashion Technology. Journal of Student Research, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i4.2190



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