Blue Light Intensity in Organic Light-Emitting Diode and Liquid-Crystal Display Televisions
organic light-emitting diode, OLED, liquid-crystal display, LCD, blue light, light intensityAbstract
Exposure to artificial blue light from screens, especially at evening or nighttime hours, can suppress melatonin production, throw the circadian rhythm off balance, and lead to general difficulty falling asleep. This study sought to investigate the difference in blue light intensity in organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and liquid-crystal display (LCD) screens, specifically in the form of televisions. An observational and quasi-experimental method was used, using a photometer to measure light intensity and a longpass optical filter to block out light ranging from 415 to 515 nanometers, serving as the wavelength of blue light for this study. Two televisions—one OLED and one LCD—were used, with five colors being displayed on each one, one at a time. The LCD television contained more relative blue light than the OLED television for four out of the five colors displayed. On average for all colors, the LCD television emitted 24.92% more blue light than the OLED television, relative to their overall brightnesses. Limitations in scope and the potential of confounding variables interfering with data prevent any definitive conclusions from being drawn, however this study still contributes to the current body of knowledge with evidence towards a trend of lessened blue light intensity in OLED screens compared to LCD screens, which correlates with speculation by other researchers. This study sets the ground for future research investigating the potential of OLED technology in lowering exposure to blue light, thus lessening the negative impacts it can have on individuals.
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