What are the Critical Factors that Affect the Habitability of Celestial Bodies in Our Solar System?


  • Yash Sharma Oberoi International School
  • Stephen Turban Mentor, Harvard University




Planetary Astrophysics, Habitable Zone, Subsurface Ocean, Solar Flare, Greenhouse Effect, Goldilocks Zone, Tidal Flexing, K Type Star


The study of habitability on planets and celestial bodies apart from Earth has gathered increased interest over the last few decades due to grand technological advancements. Space agencies like NASA are spending billions of dollars on spacecraft, probes, and satellites for this specific purpose, but as of now, no one knows what different (and possibly quite similar) species reside in our solar system, and where they live (moons, planets). However, a planet/moon being habitable to life is not that easy, and there are hundreds of factors that can make a celestial body habitable.  This paper will cover a few of the several factors: existence of liquid water, atmospheric composition, chemical composition of the planet's surface, and biofuel, along with linking these factors to different celestial bodies in our solar system, specifically focusing on Mars, Venus, Europa, and Titan.


References or Bibliography

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia article, G-type main sequence star

Mohon, NASA article, Assessing The Habitability Of Planets Around Old Red Dwarfs

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia article, K-type main sequence stars

Kopparapu et al, 2019, arXiv:1911.04441

Scherf, 2021 arXiv:2102.05976

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia article, Life on Mars

Maathewson, Space Article, Venus May Have Supported Life Billions of Years Ago

Kane et al,2008, arXiv:2008.01888

NASA contributors, NASA article, Titan

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia article, Life on Titan

NASA contributor, NASA article, NASA solar system exploration

University of Arizona contributor, University of Arizona article, Titan's Atmosphere Comes from Ammonia, Huygens Data Say

Soderlund, 2019, arXiv:1901.04093

NASA contributors, NASA article, Europa

Howell et al, 2006, arXiv:2006.15803

Wikipedia contributors, Wikipedia article, Europa (moon)

Nordheim, IOP article, Galactic Cosmic-Ray Bombardment of Europa’s Surface

ESA and science technology contributor, ESA and science technology article, Photo composite of suspected water plumes on Europa

Shwartz et al, Stanford news article, New findings support prospect of life on Jupiter's moon Europa

Hinkel et al, 2020, arXiv:1904.01089



How to Cite

Sharma, Y., & Turban, S. (2021). What are the Critical Factors that Affect the Habitability of Celestial Bodies in Our Solar System?. Journal of Student Research, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i4.2056



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