A Hard Day’s Night: Optimizing Productivity of Arabidopsis thaliana in Hydroponic Systems


  • Alexandria Northey Trinity College School
  • Shelagh Straughan Trinity College School




Hydroponics, Optimization, Circadian mechanisms, Arabidopsis


The purpose of this study was to explore effects of the exogenous application of supplemental nutrients when differentiating both light and dark cycle requirements set by the plant’s circadian mechanisms. Arabidopsis thaliana, a model organism for plant research, was grown hydroponically under standard environmental conditions. It was found that adding additional carbohydrates solely during the plant’s light cycle displayed a 255% increase in root:shoot ratio compared to the 24h application of equivalent nutrients, suggesting this approach of differentiating nutrient and carbohydrate requirements has promising results for plant growth and productivity.


Author Biography

Shelagh Straughan, Trinity College School


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How to Cite

Northey, A., & Straughan, S. (2021). A Hard Day’s Night: Optimizing Productivity of Arabidopsis thaliana in Hydroponic Systems. Journal of Student Research, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i4.1950



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