The Persuasion Knowledge Model Within Instagram Advertisements
Instagram, Persuasion Knowledge Model, Advertising, social media, AdvertisementsAbstract
The aim of this research was to find a correlation between the Persuasion Knowledge Model and Instagram Advertisements. Past research has primarily focused on this model on other forms of media such as television, radio, newspaper, etc. Additionally, the ages studied have been over the age of 30 as well as not focused within a certain geological demographic. For this study, participants were residents of Pennsylvania who vary in age between 18-25 years old. Using a survey, statistical analysis, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Analysis test (PCC test), this study measured each of the 49 participants’ persuasion knowledge and correlated it to the advertisements chosen in the survey. The analyses found that those with lower persuasion knowledge were more likely to select an advertisement with less text variance and influential text. Further, a new understanding was found that showed a slightly negative correlation due to the PCC test, but the correlation was not statistically significant. Therefore, the findings of this research study refuted the initial hypothesis and other studies conducted in the field of persuasion knowledge.
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