Conviction, Votes, or Nationalism?

How intrinsic and contextual factors drives cultural policymaking


  • Jinxin Xu Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to SISU
  • Simone Paci Mentor, Columbia University



nation building, intrinsic demand, constituency demand, cultural policy, motivation, cultural diplomacy


Why do policymakers pursue cultural policies? The existing literature presents several potential answers but no study has surveyed them in a comprehensive way. In this essay, I examine a diverse array of factors behind cultural policymaking. Combining domestic and international perspectives, I identify three major motivations: intrinsic demand, constituency demands and nation-building objectives. I employ a mix of qualitative and quantitative evidence to explore the hypotheses stemming from these different decision-making dynamics.


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How to Cite

Xu, J., & Paci, S. (2021). Conviction, Votes, or Nationalism? How intrinsic and contextual factors drives cultural policymaking. Journal of Student Research, 10(3).



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