Is there a Correlation between a Corona Resident’s Big Three Zodiac Signs and their Experiences of Bodily Pain and/or Medical Complications?

Correlational Astro-Medicine Research Study


  • Sebastian Pintea High School Student
  • Rachel Niles Santiago High School



Astro-medicine, astrology, big three, medical complications, pain, correlational research, sun sign, moon sign, rising sign, natal chart, birth chart, zodiac signs, medical


The objective of this study was to explore the correlation between astrology and fields of medicine to predict medical complications and regions of severe pain for future patients based on their big three zodiac signs. Past research has indicated that astrology has played a minor role in psychological analysis, however, this study aims to test that correlation by taking into consideration one’s sun, moon, and rising sign (big three). Based on the review of the literature comparing astrological studies in topics of education, psychology, economics, and medicine, an online google form survey was distributed to residents of Corona, California from all age groups. Respondents were required to fill out Informed Consent documents, report their big three zodiac signs based on the website provided (typing in their birthdate, birth time, and birth location), and include any history of medical complications and/or pain. After analyzing the 116 respondents that took my survey, it was clear that a correlation did exist with the following zodiac signs when holistically looking at all the medical complications and big three zodiac placements: Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo, Cancer, and Saggitarius. The results concluded that there is a correlation between one’s big three zodiac signs and their history of medical complications and/or pain. On this basis, it is recommended to also take into consideration limiting factors like sample size, confirmation bias, nonresponse bias, and lack of age group variability. Further research and practical implications of astrology, such as experimental designs, are necessary to challenge its label as pseudoscience.


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How to Cite

Pintea, S., & Niles, R. (2021). Is there a Correlation between a Corona Resident’s Big Three Zodiac Signs and their Experiences of Bodily Pain and/or Medical Complications? Correlational Astro-Medicine Research Study. Journal of Student Research, 10(2).



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