A survey of Shanghainese dialect: its current situation and future


  • Tianao Gui Shanghai Foreign Language School
  • Yan Zhou University of California Los Angeles




languages, culture studies, dialects, language preservation, Shanghai, Shanghainese, survey


Borge Udell, the founder of Wikitongues, questioned ‘Would Cervantes have written the same stories had he been forced to write in a language other than Spanish? Would the music of Beyoncé be the same in a language other than English?’ What he means is that every language carries a unique culture and represents a group of people. All languages and dialects are worth appreciation and preservation. Shanghainese dialect is no exception. As a native Shanghainese citizen, I believe that it is high time that we should be aware of the importance of preserving and inheriting this dialect. To achieve this goal, research about the current situation is indispensable. Therefore, I researched the current situation of Shanghainese and implicated some possible methods to protect this dialect.


Author Biographies

Tianao Gui, Shanghai Foreign Language School


Yan Zhou, University of California Los Angeles


References or Bibliography

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How to Cite

Gui, T., & Zhou, Y. (2021). A survey of Shanghainese dialect: its current situation and future. Journal of Student Research, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.47611/jsrhs.v10i2.1505



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