The Relationship between informational outlets and understanding: An exploration of political knowledge among Generation Z


  • Alex Rupp Kings Park High School
  • Dr. Patricia Gitto Kings Park High School
  • Katlyn McGrann Kings Park High School



Generation Z, Politics, Social Media, Media Outlets, Political Knowledge


This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect different media outlets have on Generation Z’s political
knowledge in New York. Through a purposive sample, the political knowledge of 484 high school and college-aged
students was tested using a Google Survey. The researcher conducted this research using a correlational study
research design. Each respondent was asked to complete a survey of 16 questions, 12 of those questions testing
political knowledge. The researcher calculated the correlations between the average percent correct for all media
outlets and the average percent correct for respondents who claimed they acquired their political information from
each media outlet (social media, newspaper, radio, locally televised news and nationally televised news). Not every
age group in Generation Z was tested, due to the fact that many members of Generation Z are too young to complete
the survey. Additional research that goes into more detail about which specific platform within each media outlet
leads to higher political knowledge scores, could help provide a greater understanding on how different media
outlets affect Generation Z’s political knowledge.


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How to Cite

Rupp, A., Gitto, P., & McGrann, K. (2021). The Relationship between informational outlets and understanding: An exploration of political knowledge among Generation Z. Journal of Student Research, 10(2).



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